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V dnešní době je stávající handbike, tak jak je nabízen, bohužel nedostupný.


Stalo se to, že dodavatelé některých komponent přestali dodávat. A proto jsme se rozhodli k zásadní inovaci a zásadnímu předělání konstrukce. Vzniká handbike nový, technologicky vyspělejší, který nebude již postaven na hliníkové konstrukci, ale bude řešený jako celokompozitový s velkým podílem karbonových vláken. Bude využitý i jiný modernější pohon a řada nových vylepšených věcí, při zachovaní osvědčené geometrie. 


Prototyp očekáváme na podzim letošního roku (2023), tak aby na sezonu 2024, byl již pro Vás připravený.


Omlouváme se a věříme, že čekání se v tomto případě vyplatí.


  • all-wheel drive (3x3 drive; front wheel manual drive, rear wheels electric drive)

  • rear-wheel drive with electric motor and front wheel pedaling provides exceptional traction

  • independent suspension will allow a comfortable and safe ride in the most demanding terrain and on a normal road as well

  • thanks to the unique geometry of the front and rear axles, every turn becomes a joy

  • brakes on all three wheels provide high safety and long-lasting braking effect (rear disc, front rim)

  • a large number of accessories and personalization of dimensions

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možnost úpravy pro kvardruplegiky
- řazení a brždění loktem
- gripy na míru

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osmi stupňová 

v náboji

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 a nastavování elektropohonu 
multifunkčním LCD, nebo pomocí smartphone

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ZADNÍ NÁPRAVA nezávislé a nastavitelné odpružení
a diferenciál pro pohon zadních kol

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kotoučové brzdy na obou kolech,

systém de/montáže 

zadních kol

bez nářadí


The drive is an electric motor with a rotating casing, which has a large torque and thus allows safe overcoming of large terrain unevenness even at low speeds. The drive is equipped with an adjustable "trampling," which makes the engine speed controlled by the intensity of movement of the hand-driven crank.


Information on drive settings, battery status, pedal level is displayed by means of an LCD display with an external controller.


The construction of the handbike offers precise handling and stability even in difficult terrain.

The turning radius is 2.7 m, which allows effortless turning on a regular road, parking lot, or between trees in the forest.


The handbike has brakes on all 3 wheels. The handbike has a rigid frame, independent suspension rear axle, large 26-inch wheels.


Minimum range of 40 km only using batteries depending on terrain and weather conditions.

With an alternative type of battery up to 70 km range.


Warranty, post-warranty service.

  • handbike color scheme (frame, seat including stitching color, tire color)

  • electric drive

  • suspension according to the user's weight and riding style

  • battery capacity (a battery with a range of about 40 km using only the engine, it is possible to make an individual battery - affects the price and weight)

  • width, type and color of tires

  • wheels - type of rims and wire spokes

  • safety elements (belts, leg covers, safety plate under the seat and many more)

  • How can I order the handbike?
    Think about what handbike you want, what color, drive, brakes, etc. Download the surveying protocol, measure the basic dimensions, fill in the necessary data and send it to us. You will then be contacted and the final price and delivery date of the handbike will be determined based on the requirements. Alternatively, contact us directly and we will discuss all the details in person.
  • Can I specify my handbike individually?
    Yes! There is a number of things we will do for you according to your wishes: handbike color scheme (frame, seat including stitching color, tire color) electric drive suspension according to the user's weight and riding style battery capacity (a battery with a range of about 40 km using only the engine, it is possible to make an individual battery - affects the price and weight) width, type and color of tires wheels - type of rims and wire spokes safety elements (belts, leg covers, safety plate under the seat and many more(
  • How long will I wait for my handbike?
    The standard delivery time is within 3 months of ordering. It depends on the number of individual adjustments of your handbike.
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