SmartMotion s.r.o. is an engineering and supply engineering company whose main area of work is the complete supply of machinery and the automation and robotization of production processes.
We specialize in research, development, production and service of machines and jigs for manufacture, assembly, inspection and handling in a wide range of engineering industries - automotive, aerospace, ceramic, rubber and more.
We have our own production capacities. We are equipped with both basic conventional machine tools and a CNC vertical machining center as well. Within the free production capacities, we also offer custom production.
Our main advantages are high flexibility while solving projects, very close cooperation with the customer and innovative project solutions.
We are building our own brand of compensatory aids for disabled people. In the field of mobility of disabled people, we develop and manufacture wheelchairs for sports and leisure activities.
We are one of the founding members of the MECHATRONIKA z.s.
The short-term goal of our company is to build a flexible and healthy company providing quality services in the field of research, development, design and production of machinery.
The long-term goal of our company is to develop the already mentioned activities and create a stable environment for the calm and efficient work of our employees and to bring useful and interesting solutions in the areas of our business.
To be a strong and reliable partner for projects of our customers.
Business address:
Teslova 1242/5c
Plzeň 30100
Czech Republic
building 2C south entrance
Billing information:
SmartMotion s.r.o.
Teslova 1242/5c
Plzeň 30100
Czech Republic
VAT Number: CZ29114594
Data box identifier: qney3qw
C 25842 held at the Regional Court in Pilsen
Bank Account: KB Plzeň, č.ú. 43-8830000217/0100
Where to find us:
The entrance to our office is located at the south side of building 2C, the building is green. We have several reserved parking spots available for our guests.
Go to the map here
The basic goal of SmartMotion s.r.o. consists in meeting and exceeding customer requirements in order to constantly increase customer satisfaction.
To us, the most important customer requirements are:
high satisfaction with the quality of the services we provide
meeting the agreed deadlines
willingness of the company to solve customer problems with the implementation of the order
customer care before, during and after the completion of the order
To meet customer requirements, the company's management is committed to:
constantly improving the qualifications of its employees
cooperation with quality suppliers
compliance with and continuous improvement of the quality management system
compliance with legal, safety and contractual regulations
setting and reviewing quality objectives based on customer requirements
What we expect from our employees:
high work commitment and responsibility for the quality of work performed
understanding of customer requirements
customer-oriented approach to work
compliance with the requirements of the quality management system
We hold the ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016 certificate from the TÜV SÜD certification authority.
an overview of grant projects that we solve or have solved in the past with partners from academia and industry
title: COMP4DRONES - Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications
provider: EK EU with support from the Ministry of Education, Yourt and Sports.
výzva: H2020 ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826610
partners: 50 partners from 8 of EU see. https://www.comp4drones.eu/partners/
time period: 10/2019 - 9/2022
title: CHARM - High-tech systems designed for demanding conditions of manufacturing industries
provider: EK EU with support from the Ministry of Education, Yourt and Sports.
call: H2020 ECSEL EU.
partners: 36 partners of EU
time period: 06/2020 - 05/2023
title: Výzkum a vývoj inteligentní robotické technologie pro automatizaci výroby katod a mřížek výkonových elektronek (Research and development of intelligent robotic technology for automation of cathode and power vacuum tube grating production)
provider: Ministry of Education, Yourt and Sports
call: OPPIK Aplikace
project beneficiary: Tesla Electrontubes s.r.o.
partners: SmartMotion s.r.o, University of West Bohemia FAV
time period: 02/2017 - 12/2019
title: Výzkum a vývoj pokročilé kolaborativní robotické platformy a její aplikace ve výrobě elektronických komponent (Research and development of an advanced collaborative robotic platform and its application in the production of electronic components)
provider: Ministry of Education, Yourt and Sports
call: TRIO
project beneficiary: Integrated Micro-Electronics Czech Republic s.r.o.
partners: SmartMotion s.r.o, University of West Bohemia FAV
time period: 07/2016 - 12/2019
title: Pokročilé robotické architektury pro průmyslové inspekce (Advanced robotic architectures for industrial inspections)
Provider: TAČR
call: Project of the 2nd public tender announced by the provider in the Program of Support for Applied Research and Experimental Development
project beneficiary: University of West Bohemia, NTIS
partners: ÚJV Řež, a. s., SmartMotion s.r.o.
international partners: Zhejiang Energy Group R&D, Zhejiang Sci-tech University, Zhejiang Zhenergy Natural Gas Operation Co.,Ltd
amount of support: 15.027.165,-CZK (for the Czech side)
time period: 1/2016 - 12/2018
Business voucher of the Pilsen Region 2015 called Ergonomics of assistive aids for the disabled.
In the field of development and design
Our design and development office is equipped with modern CAD workplaces with the most modern software (CAD) systems for the development, design, simulation and creation of drawing documentation. This allows us to meet the most demanding requirements of our customers very efficiently.
We also have a CAM system for efficient programming of CNC machine tools..
In the field of production, we have:
CNC vertical machining center with machining space dimensions 762 x 406 x 508 mm
machinery for conventional machining:
material cutting - band saw with a maximum cut of 270x150 mm
milling - universal milling machine with digital measuring,
lathe turning - center lathe with digital measuring, maximum turning diameter 450 mm, maximum turning length 1000 mm
drilling - column drill
basic machinery for forming small profiles and tubes (press bending and roll bending of profiles and tubes)
technologies for MIG, MAG and TIG welding (aluminum and stainless-steel welding)
plasma cutting
The goal of our program is to develop the potential of students and school graduates so that they can independently take over the tasks and responsibilities for the assigned tasks. The program is intended for students of technical and economic fields of university studies as well as secondary school studies.
Who is our program intended for?
a high school student or graduate of a technical high school
a college or university student with a technical, artistic or economic focus
What position do we offer?
administrative worker
designers, developers
CNC programmers
electronic technicians
PLC programmers
technicians for the workshop - assembly, machining, locksmith work
we offer the possibility of cooperation in other positions
What do we expect from you?
flexible and active approach to solving tasks
logical thinking
independence in solving tasks
basic knowledge of your field
active work with computer technology (in case of interest in the construction of 3D programs, especially Solidworks, PTC Creo, etc.)
knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage
What do we offer?
completion of professional practice, trainee program (short-term and long-term)
the possibility of assigning topics and subsequent consultation of the bachelor's or master's thesis
possibility to work on real projects from a wide range of customers
very diverse work
young working team
What will you gain after completing the program?
experience from a practical field
possibility of further cooperation - employment
new competencies acquired through project work and problem solving
improving communication and social skills
financial evaluation for the work performed
How to apply?
Fill in the application form and send it to us at kariera@smart-motion.cz along with your CV.
We accept applications on an ongoing basis.
Zámečník do prototypové dílny.
Hledáme šikovného kolegu do týmu výroby v naší prototypové dílně v Plzni.
Co u nás budete dělat?
Co požadujeme?
Řidičské oprávnění B
Chuť do práce, preciznost, samostatnost a flexibilitu. Zkušenosti s obráběním (frézka, soustruh) velkou výhodou.
Výhoda je zkušenost se svařování metodou MIG.
Praxe je vítána, ale pozice je vhodná i pro šikovné absolventy s chutí se zlepšovat
Co Vám nabízíme
Práce v mladém a malém kolektivu.
Přijďte se k nám podívat a domluvíme se.
na elektromontáže prototypových zařízení v prototypové dílně strojírenské rodinné firmy v Plzni.
Co u nás budete dělat?
Jedná se o výrobu rozvaděčů, zapojování motorů, měničů, senzorů, drátování strojů atd.
Nejedná se o sériovou monotónní práci!
Naše firma vyrábí od malých a jednoduchých zařízení, před dopravníky, zařízení pro robotizaci a automatizaci výroby až po speciální stroje.
Co požadujeme?
Řidičské oprávnění B
Požadujeme chuť pracovat, preciznost, samostatnost a flexibilitu.
Znalost výkresové dokumentace .
Praxe je vítána, ale pozice je vhodná i pro šikovné absolventy s chutí se zlepšovat a dále se vzdělávat!
Co Vám nabízíme
Práce v mladém a malém kolektivu.
Velmi rozmanitá práce na zajímavých projektech.
Úvazek nabízíme plný nebo částečný.
Flexibilní pracovní doba.
Příspěvek na stravu.
Káva, čaj, voda, atd. zdarma.
Práce v moderních prostorech v Plzni
Přijďte se k nám podívat a domluvíme se.
více na kariera@smart-motion.cz